FinHub Workshop Series

Apr 11, 2023. SAST, recurring event
Snape TS2A, UCT Upper Campus
Streaming available

Event details

The workshops are free to attend and will be run over two weeks of April 2023 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Each session will build on content taught in the previous workshop. Please bring your laptop for the practical component each session. Note that there are outlets available in the venue.

Throughout the six-day workshop, attendees will be served food and refreshments, providing an opportunity to network with other attendees and industry experts. You can find the specific workshop content below.

Week 1 dates: 11th, 12th and 13th of April, 2023

Week 2 dates: 18th, 19th and 20th of April, 2023

Time: 17:00 pm SAST

Session duration: 1 hour

Location: Snape TS2A, UCT Upper Campus

Streaming link: Teams link will be sent out at a closer date

Workshop lead: Gary Lu

Registration deadline: 7th April 2023, 10:00 AM

Capacity: 50 in-person UCT participants


The FinHub Workshop Series aims to bootstrap those unfamiliar with blockchain into Algorand smart contract development in 6 hours spread across 6 days. The content covers the necessary theory and walks through multiple smart contract examples. These workshops are perfect for those who want to enter the FinHub Hack Series but do not have the required skills, or anyone interested in simply learning the basics of developing on the Algorand blockchain. Topics include: blockchain fundamentals, decentralised applications, on-chain storage, NFTs, and more.

The workshops will be lead by Gary Lu, a head software engineer at FinHub with extensive experience developing smart contracts and dApps within the Algorand ecosystem and the blockchain space at large.

Every workshop session includes a theory and a practical component. The practical components focus primarily on the workflow and principles of smart contract development but also teach aspects unique to Tealish which is the programming language we will be using to interact with the Algorand Blockchain.

Forewarning: Attendees new to the blockchain space should get used to playing catch-up. This is an incredibly fast paced space with new developments and learnings popping up all the time.

Details of topics covered over each session

Day Date and time Content
1 April 11th, Tuesday, 17:00 Introduction to Algorand and developement environment
2 April 12th, Wednesday, 17:00 Smart Contracts
3 April 13th, Thursday, 17:00 On-chain Storage
4 April 18th, Tuesday, 17:00 ASAs and Atomic Group Transactions
5 April 19th, Wednesday, 17:00 Smart Contract Guidelines and ARCs
6 April 19th, Wednesday, 17:00 Decentralized Applications

Common abbreviations:
ASA: Algorand Standard Assets
ARC: Algorand Requests for Comments

AlgoFoundry courses

Participants who complete the workshops will receive AlgoFoundry courses valued between R4,000 to R9,000 per course.

FinHub Hack series developer workshops

These workshops are part of the FinHub Hack Series I 2023. The FinHub Hack Series is a recurring Web 3.0-focused hackathon that provides a nurturing environment for participants to develop solutions on the Algorand blockchain without the typical hackathon time constraints, enabling them to create more realistic and sustainable solutions. Moreover, the FinHub Hack Series provides an opportunity for participants to learn and grow their skills, collaborate with other talented individuals, and create real-world solutions with a uniquely African focus.