Practitioner Seminar: Shaheer Karrim

April 26, 2024

2:00 pm


Seminar Room, level 4, School of Economics, Rondebosch, University of Cape Town
This is an in person event. This event will not be streamed


This is an in-person event

Date: Friday, 26th April 2024

Start time: 14:00 PM SAST

Duration: 1 hour

Practitioner: Shaheer Karrim

Company: Mzansi Web3 ICP.Hub Southern Africa

Location: Seminar Room, Level 4, School of Economics, Rondebosch, University of Cape Town

About Shaheer and Mzansi Web3 ICP.Hub

As the co-founder of Mzansi Web3 ICP.Hub Southern Africa, I am deeply immersed in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Through my extensive business development experience, I've cultivated a diverse network that encompasses layer 1 protocols, DeFi platforms, infrastructure solutions, alongside marketing and advisory services, as well as venture capital firms.

My expertise extends to providing crucial funding options and advisory services to an array of projects, guiding them through the intricacies of the blockchain ecosystem. My commitment lies in ensuring these ventures not only secure the necessary capital but also gain access to valuable insights and strategies that are paramount for their success.

Currently, my focus is channelled towards cultivating a robust ecosystem forInternet Computer Protocol (ICP) and Web3 technologies in Southern Africa.This initiative is not just about technology adoption; it is a comprehensive effort to foster innovation, facilitate knowledge sharing, and create a supportive community for startups and entrepreneurs in this space.

Through Mzansi Web3 ICP.Hub, we are laying down the groundwork for a future where Southern Africa stands as a significant player in the global blockchain narrative. By empowering local projects and contributing to the regional tech ecosystem, we are paving the way for a decentralized, secure, and interconnected future.

Finhub Practitioner Seminars

This seminar is part of a series which has been created to expose our students to exceptional individuals in the African Fintech space working on innovative solutions to address the large unbanked population on our continent. Fintech in Africa has received the largest share of funding in recent years, and this trend is expected to increase. As the only dedicated Fintech Master's program on the African continent, one of our goals is to connect our students with leading fintech companies across the continent. In the past, we have had speakers from Nala, Stitch Money, Visa, Spoon Money, Consensys, Authentium, Investec and more. Because seminars have attracted interest from students across campus, we have decided to open up attendance to all students interested in fintech and related topics.